Friday, June 5, 2009

Trinidad nonsense

Today I've spent almost 6 hours trying to find out the CSS responsible for introducing an 8 pixel top margin for body. The case is even stranger in that the mysterious margin appears only in Internet Explorer. Imagine the 8px disruption in absolute positioning of the elements on the page - it just looks bad.

Finally I've found the problem: Trinidad introduces some stylesheets that do exactly that.

Well it wouldn't be much of an issue if it were not for the fact that this damn CSS is included as the last thing in the head!!! So you can do anything you like - body will always have this damn 8 pixels margin in IE only no matter what.

I'd like to find out who the butthead that invented this piece of sh** is. I mean, come on!!! Someone must have been stoned to do this kind of thing!

The worst thing is I have not damn idea how to fix it other than using some sort of on-load method to correct the CSS for body element. jQuery works well, but this is the ugliest hack I've ever come across.


  1. I wouldn't call it a JSF problem, but a IE problem...

    But hey... I hate Java, JSF and JSP as much as you do

  2. Now that I think of it... I think I saw a similar behaviour using ASP.NET

    It was a long time ago, so I can't really point it out now.

    Did I say I hate web?
