Saturday, July 11, 2009

RichFaces + Trinidad = problems

I've been fighting for over 3 days on that so you might wanna listen to the story not to make the same mistake I did.

Some time ago someone decided to use JSF libraries in our project. That same someone decided to use RichFaces (a nice library indeed) and Trinidad (the most terrible piece of code I've ever encountered) in one project.
As the story continued we've been using both of those libraries and it worked quite nice right up to the point where I wanted to use rich:datascroller on a rich:dataTable component containing some action links.

Just so that you know what I'm talking about I'm giving you 2 small projects that show the problem. One without Trinidad configuration (this one is working just fine) and the other one with Trinidad.

Basically the Ajax rendering engine from RichFaces is being crushed down with the one from Trinidad. They just hate eachother!

I've never ever expected that 2 libraries might have such a negative impact on eachother! What a waste of time!!!


  1. I have been working on trinidad + richfaces they work pretty well without facelets =D , but the configuration with facelets is a nigthmare, it doesn't work well yet , in my project

  2. Agree !! trinidad + richfaces = problem but behind every problem there is a solution...I will find and give you update..
