Thursday, April 22, 2010

RichFaces - "beautiful" code

I'm extending the rich:calendar control today trying to put its definition into a table (for reasons that are not important here). The outcome should be as easy as input in one cell and the icon in another. Sounds easy, right?

Nothing could be further from the truth!

How I'd envision generation of HTML in such a case would be a container class having things like name, attributes collection, possibly even child controls (if it's a container for other controls) with one method "render(where...)" that would make use of those contained properties.

But it turns out that the guys from RichFaces didn't get the memo, that code duplication is bad. In fact they missed it so much that getting the whole thing to do what I want it to do takes a copy and paste, then refactoring and at the end implementation of the stuff I need.

Here's an example of how the render for example attributes of a control:

getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "accesskey",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class", "rich-calendar-input " +
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "disabled",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id",
convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate");
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "maxlength",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "name",
convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate");
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onblur",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onchange",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onclick",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onfocus",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onkeydown",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onkeypress",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onkeyup",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onmouseout",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onmouseover",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "onselect",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "size",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style",
"vertical-align: middle; " + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("inputStyle")));
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "tabindex",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "type",
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "value",
getInputValue(context, component));

I mean who does that in the 21th century in an object-oriented programming language?!?!?!?!?

Here's another example of pure madness:

"dayListTableId: '" +
convertToString(clientId) +
"Day', \n weekNumberBarId: '" +
convertToString(clientId) +
"WeekNum', \n weekDayBarId: '" +
convertToString(clientId) +
"WeekDay',\n currentDate: " +
convertToString(getCurrentDate(context, component, currentDate)) +
", \n selectedDate: " +
convertToString(getSelectedDate(context, component)) +
", \n datePattern: '" +
convertToString(component.getDatePattern()) +
"',\n jointPoint: '" +
convertToString(component.getJointPoint()) +
"',\n direction: '" +
convertToString(component.getDirection()) +
"',\n boundaryDatesMode:'" +
convertToString(component.getBoundaryDatesMode()) +
"',\n popup: " +
convertToString(component.isPopup()) +
",\n enableManualInput: " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("enableManualInput")) +
",\n showInput: " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showInput")) +
",\n disabled: " +
convertToString(component.isDisabled()) +
",\n readonly: " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("readonly")) +
",\n ajaxSingle: " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("ajaxSingle")) +
",\n verticalOffset:" +
convertToString(component.getVerticalOffset()) +
",\n horizontalOffset: " +
convertToString(component.getHorizontalOffset()) +
",\n style:'z-index: " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("zindex")) +
"; " +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("style")) +
"',\n firstWeekDay: " +
convertToString(getFirstWeekDay(context, component)) +
", \n minDaysInFirstWeek: " +
convertToString(getMinDaysInFirstWeek(context, component)) +
",\n todayControlMode:'" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("todayControlMode")) +
"',\n showHeader:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showHeader")) +
",\n showFooter:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showFooter")) +
",\n showWeeksBar:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showWeeksBar")) +
",\n showWeekDaysBar:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showWeekDaysBar")) +
",\n showApplyButton:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("showApplyButton")) +
",\n resetTimeOnDateSelect:" +
convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("resetTimeOnDateSelect")) +
",\n defaultTime:" +
convertToString(getPreparedDefaultTime(component))), null);

Finally please note that both fragments come from the same single method and that's just a fraction of that method!

Now you tell me: would you ever use stuff that looks like that underneath the skin?


  1. Ahah, I've been running in every problem you are talking about in this blog. I'm currently intern in a company, and I have to develop a version of their website product for smartphone. So I'm trying to have something without javascript, and respecting W3C standards...
    I think I have extended every basic component to get proper rendering and decoding method.

    JSF is really a nonsense in itself, it aims to simplify development, and, for me so far, it has just made it worse. And I can't get rid of that s%*&, I have to reuse the beans and the navigation...
    (I'm sorry for my poor english)

  2. Edouard: Thanks for your comment! I'm actually gathering opinions like this for my architects to realize what piece of sh*t we have to work with after they have "consciously" decided that we need this in our project.

  3. Matthias I'm in the same chapter as you, have to work with that pice of s$$ 'cause they think "everyone" is using it, and it's a world standard.

    I am working in a company with webdesign, I actally come from a ASP.NET world, and it is real pain to try to do some logic out of that nonesense of code.
